CDisplayEx. Light, Efficient CBR Reader. It is the most popular comic book reader. It is able to read all comic book formats (.cbr file, .cbz, .pdf, etc.
2024年2月16日 — CDisplayEx is a light, efficient CBR Reader, and it is also the most popular comic book reader. It is able to read all comic book formats ...
CDisplayEx Comic Reader Lite is a powerful and lightweight comic book reader that lets you conveniently read any comic in the formats CBR, CBZ, PDF, etc.
CDisplayEx is a small and simple application that allows you to read all types of comics in any of the following formats: cbr, cbz, cbt, rar, zip, tar, 7z, ...
Download. Windows 32 bits. This version run on any computer, but you will not be able to see thumbnails of comics if you install this version on a 64 bits ...